Mens Ministries Meeting
Monthly Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, contact us for more information.
Sunday School
For all ages at 9:00 am on Sundays, September through May
Babies - 5 yrs during the sermon
Children’s Church
Ages 5 -12 during the sermon the first Sunday of each month.
At CORE we strive to:
Connect with students by creating an environment of encouragement, spiritual growth, and fun.
Overcome struggles and celebrate successes with students.
Reach out to our communities through service projects and other outreach events.
Equip students to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ; by focusing on intimate prayer, studying God’s word, and investing time into Godly friendships.
We hope to see you there!
Special events include: Service projects, Districts youth conference, Summer Canoe Trip, and more!
Grades 7th-12th (6th graders invited in January)
Wednesdays 6:00pm -8:00 pm
Christmas Tea
F.R.E.E. Women - Leadership and Planning Team lead by our Deaconesses
Annual Women’s Retreats (as scheduled)
To find out more, call the church office @ 715-223-4445 or email the church office